
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We Have Met the Enemy. It is US!

Physician's Notebooks - - See Homepage

11d  We Have Met the Enemy. It is US! - Update: 24 Septr 2021.
To citizens of U.S.A.  In 2000 and 2004, you elected a president, George W. Bush, who in 2003 in Iraq started an aggressive war based on lies and it has not accomplished one stated or unstated aim that was made for starting the war in the first place, i.e., removal of the Iraq dictator and bringing democracy to Iraq.: Now the Iraq dictator, Saddam Hussein, is gone but Iraq is no democracy and getting rid of Saddam has been at the price of c.1-million Iraqis killed, not to mention American soldiers, and at least as many displaced. In Iraq, bombs go off every day; police torture is standard; and Saddam, before the invasion a failed dictator, is now recalled as an after-all, not-so-bad fellow of the old, good days, when at least there was electricity and running water. And, today, the ex Saddam military with the approval of the Sunni Muslim population in the name of ISIS, fights on in Iraq and U.S. citizens and their allies all over the world are being targeted for revenge killings. And the war has spread to Syria. With the taxpayers' funding, and citizens' acquiescent votes, you Americans have paid and continue to pay for murder, pillage and torture, and have stirred up a brutal civil war; and you sit on your hands while your government re-enters the failed war. Not only in Iraq but Afghanistan and Pakistan and other “War on Terror,” your USA actions (Happy to read President Joe Biden’s decision for USA to unequivocally, unilateral completely exit Iraq now in June 2021! And Afghanistan in August!} have been failures and further endangered American lives and harmed the Earth, while climate change goes unheeded! And the US Presidents (Obama and Trump like Tweedledum and Tweedledee in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.) did and do daily murders, killing without due judicial process including Americans by drones, and these killings have not protected a single American life but instead made Americans targets by creating new revenge-seeking, blood-sworn enemies that want to blow Americans to hell. And for no good purposes. And almost no American as much as murmurs a complaint. Many Americans feel proud of their country's power that oversees murder, militarism and dictatorship around the world, and whose prosperity is based of on weapons sales; and that has ended our privacy rights while cutting social services, education, citizen's rights and healthcare. All because of the incredibly stupid foreign policy of imperial USA which gained average Americans nothing in land, money or personal security. And the USA continues to pursue poor policies and its people continue to consume fossil fuels that speed disastrous global climate change. And now comes Covid-19!
Too many in the U.S. population are too uneducated or mis-educated, e.g., they think the right to carry and use guns is a sign of democracy. So if I march to a different drum, please look at yourselves and your times and what you admire or passively tolerate. Seems to me, USA today is working against the best interests of many of its own, most intelligent and best citizens and also harming the Earth.
           To read next, click 11 dx "What Can I Do?" An American in 2015?

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