
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

11 dx "What Can I Do?" An American in 2017?

Physician's Notebooks 11 -
11dx: What Is To Be Done? (Update 24 Septr 2021.). I look at it it from the standpoint of a civilized international person living in the world today: me. Here I am, expatriate in Yokohama with U.S.A. passport, whose father was middle European. My age 88.  Since 1945 I have watched America deteriorate, its people become more uneducated, mis-educated, brutal, undemocratic, selfish and greedy ("more"; not completely or even mostly). As the late writer and culture critic Gore Vidal once wrote (paraphrase): The devolution of US presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933, to George W. Bush and Obama and Trump, since 2000 seems to be making a monkey out of Darwin.  
   America is pursuing policies that speed disastrous global change and will badly harm civilized living; the U.S. presidents use drone killings without due process and to no advantage to us Americans, breaking the most sacred human ethical law - Thou Shalt Not Kill - and the U.S.A. is losing basic human rights and engaging in torture and kidnapping. Plus, now the surveillance state! 
The bad affects of these behaviors on the best part of the American population - the intelligentsia and the youth - are slow but inexorable.

Many Americans do not feel as I do.These include the less educated; the recent emigres from Cuba and Latin America or Russia and Eastern Europe, Middle East or Asian countries, who simply appreciate the U.S.A. as a streets-paved-with-gold, pot-of-jam place they have fallen into; i.e., they mistake its goods offered them for a place that truly deserves patriotic appreciation. (Click 2.2 Frank Lloyd Wright's Imperial/A Rant/Trucker's...  and there read "Ali's Rant".)

   Even if one cannot change the present system, one can pursue improving one's personal excellence and teaching others, especially the youth, the benefits of making a Science-Civilization that will replace the present flawed society
 The and will help teach how to survive as a superior person, how to create a Science-Civilization. Study slowly, do outside reading and accumulate your own ideas to add to it.  Develop your own wisdom of life and always be humble and willing to learn and to help others.
 End of Chapter. For next click 11e A History from the Big Bang

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