
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

11c Legitimacy in One's Life

Physician's Notebooks 11 - - See Homepage
11c  Legitimacy -Update: 24 Septr 2021
Cindy McCain, wife of the 2008 U.S. Republican-party presidential candidate when asked to make her tax returns public said “I shall never do it.” Mrs. McCain is the inheritor of a beer business and had hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars. Like any citizen she had a right to privacy, but her motive in refusing was not legitimate because her husband was asking Americans to vote him president of the United States, and the U.S. public had a legitimate need to see Mrs. McCain's tax return to determine whether or not she (and her husband) could profit by his actions while he is president. So the public's need to know is legitimate while Mrs. McCain's refusal is not legitimate. I like to judge human lives in segments as legitimate or not. The most legitimate life segment is one that starts with no special advantage like no excess money or no parental fame or position or talent to be passed on to offspring. The least legitimate is based on parental advantage, personal greed or on a vocation or line of work that harms society. By these standards Cindy McCain's life is not very legitimate. Neither are the entertainer Madonna's or were Michael Jackson's nor are Hillary Clinton's. A judgment of legitimate or not legitimate in a life is aesthetic, but it does help in judging motives and actions, or in basing a role-model or in planning an ideal society in terms of its values, morals and art.
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