
Thursday, September 23, 2010

8.3 Incest - A Re-evaluation

Physician's Notebooks 8 - - See Homepage

3. Incest and Conditioning - Update 25 Aug. 2021
Parent-child and brother-sister incest show a break inside a family of the incest-affected child. Such a child who is got into incest by a parent or sibling or other family member often has not experienced the presence of the parent or close family member during part of his or her childhood (either uncaring, emotionally distant live-in parent, or physically absent parent); and brother-sister incest nearly always occurs in a divided family. Animal experiments suggest that early closeness between family members leads to aversion to the normal sex attraction.
Thus the preventive importance of equal parental bonding to children and of keeping a family physically together during the childhood years!
   Parents also should strive in a non-neurotic way to prevent their kids having orgasms with another person before puberty. (An exception may be made with a specially selected sexual surrogate; i.e., a selected prostitute to give a teenage boy first sexual experience in a good way) It is better that one’s first socio-sexual orgasm is delayed or strictly controlled until one is into puberty in order for one to better control and understand the meaning of the experience and be more in control of determining sexuality preference. This also implies that parents educate children early about sexuality and its choices. I am also not against the promotion of "young steadies"; i.e., a good young boy and girl steady, stable relationship, and limited to just those two, that includes a good sexual relationship.
  When incest involves a selfish, abusive act against a child, it should be condemned because it is child abuse. Similarly, incest that disrupts the family because a still-married wife or husband is injured or insulted by a mate taking up with a daughter or a son, should be condemned, because of the destructive family dynamic.
   For scenes of incest, which although fictional are based on real scenarios and have teaching value, click 1.4 Incest, 2.6 Niece and Uncle/Ali's Confession and 4.(6-7) Incest in Manchu in The Beautiful Dream .
END OF CHAPTER. To read next now, click 8.4 Enhance Orgasm

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