
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

11h The Science-Civilization

Physician's Notebooks 11 - - See Homepage
11h  The Science-Civilization - Update 24 Septr 2021.  Science-Civilization" excites in me a vision of a future based on science leadership as if the scientists had a magic bullet to eradicate ideology, and also could reshape our world according to scientific method. “Reshape it for whose sake?” you may ask?  I answer, “For the sake of the New People and the other animals and the plants that would live in the new, science-civilization and even for the inanimate objects of planet Earth.”
First is: What is the ideal human population number for Earth? It is an experimental question based on the aim of a science-civilization. Today the size relationship of world population (nearing 8-billion) is grossly out of human scale if we use the nuclear family number (3 to 5 in our society). 
Given the almost unlimited energy resources of sun-power harnessed, plus the efficiency of production from the computer science of today's technology, I think that as few as 100,000 good folk could accomplish more and better than the present nearly 8-billion that we have now in 2021! However, such a small choice of neighbors might make for a culturally very boring world so to stay within a more possible population, let us say 1-billion persons, the population of Earth in 1800? Imagine a world with 1 person where more than 7 are today, with today's world energy and other science sources? The number of people is important; but, above a certain minimum to sustain basic services and carry out aims, the quality of the people and the cultural level is even more important. Here I would want a population of about level science education and culture, communicating in one language; mostly comprehensivists (cf. Buckminster Fuller) instead of the specialization we have today.
Within this idea we could visualize that these are survivors of many cultures and races and showing local differences and languages but adhering to a worldwide standard of Science. I propose not an evenly human-populated world but the setting-aside of parts of Earth that pose problems for effective, happy living – like the torrid equatorial zone, the arctic and antarctic, the desert areas, and the disaster-prone areas at risk for earthquakes and volcanoes. These will be natural parks. Aboriginals like some Eskimo and some native central Africans and Amerindians of Amazon jungle may live there, by choice, in untouched, aboriginal condition.
So envision Earth of present development with 1 billion, and the civilized part in new cities made according to human scale and functionalism and located in the climatically good zone. 
What would be its aims? First, getting new scientific knowledge and its application for the good of humanity and of other life on Earth and eventually off Earth when and where human civilization colonizes. Other important aims: A negative one should be restricting the growth of a human population so that it remains at a size needed to accomplish its aims. Also, restricting each citizen from going above a maximum standard of living that is necessary for personal satisfaction and then restricting lifestyle to one which harms no other people or animals and does not damage or deface the inanimate environment. It means no millionaires or richer; and it means vegan or artificial but nutritious food. Local policing would be accomplished without guns or other lethal weapon, as it used to be in England. Other goals: keeping crime minimal by abolishing the money system (and replacing it with computerized credits) and running Earth on the economic model of To each according to her or his rational needs - with a little extra to spare in order to satisfy every type -, from each according to ability and strength, and allowing personal ownership and reward for excellence but controlling it for only modest differences. Also an important policy against crime would be decriminalization of all drugs and sexual acts unless the acts are damaging or by force. 
But the above are negative proposals to change life on earth. Science-Civilization to be truly attractive to the women and men on the street who after all make the final decisions about what kind of society they want to live in, must increase personal happiness. Therefore the overarching aim of the society is to develop the pursuit of personal pleasure of a kind that does not harm other persons or animals. In this area, one would propose development of the arts, development of the science (Or should it be art?) of eating for pleasure and good health and above all the development of all healthy pleasures. One could go on here and this could  be developed more.  I cannot emphasize more strongly that science-civilization must be based first and foremost on each person's personal happiness.

To those who might say "Oh how boring it all sounds!" please note that I haven't made a mention of the huge adventure and mystery of space exploration and colonization because it is almost unimaginable. However even this mention should satisfy those people who are worried about boredom. Besides, what I'm describing is a Utopian view.  We really don't have much of an idea of what will happen on this good, old earth in the next even few years. But of one thing, we can be certain. It ain't gonna be boring. 
A small population and huge energy resource of Earth in the hands of a democratically organized science government should assure everyone a satisfying standard of living and living space and escape-space for vacation and adventure. Those few who could not accept that and stooped to crime or war or any violence would first be examined for mental disease and then segregated in humane prison-like conditions with a try at rehabilitation. 
Such a small population on a non growth economic model would strikingly reduce energy consumption and environment pollution. 
There would be no employment problem. Either a person would be working toward aims of the society or living at leisure. Much employment would be eliminated (bank, stockbroker, salesperson) and/or be replaced by machines (repetitive, mindless work like toll collector). Heavy physical labor needs would be served by a draft of all young, healthy persons between ages 16 and 24. And we must not forget that robot labor will be developed to the extent that nobody would be needed to perform heavy labor. And always keep in mind: all the benefits are being paid for by the production excesses of the new computer society, which will be massive.
I am not spelling out a prescription for change. We are in a period of collapse. At present, we intelligent, cultured futurists try to help locals while at the same time working for the overall replacement of the present civilization by one that values Science above all. The question is no longer one for us the living in 2021 to solve. Today's climate change with runaway global warming may be be a huge destroyer. And now Covid-19!  Hopefully, Science-Civilization will develop more rationally before catastrophe but in worst case at least from the ashes. If not, the Universe contains, almost certainly, other civilized worlds or will evolve them. And on some of those worlds the science civilization may be realized. So no need for anyone to become existentially depressed; somewhere in Universe there is other life and with it Hope.

For Next click 11i The Deterioration of America

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